Opening speech: Giles Norman, Canadian Ambassador, supporter, and patron of AFA’s “More Girls in STEAM” initiative for two years in a row
Workshop discussion: A brainstorming session with the most important IT companies operating in Serbia with the aim of creating a sustainable solution enabling girls (12-25) to continuously learn about STEAM professions and be in a regular contact with experts and leading companies from IT industry. The session will also be accompanied by a Canadian Ambassador Giles Norman as this Embassy is supporting AFA’s “More Girls in STEAM” initiative for two years in a row. AFA launched the initiative four years ago when it organized the first hackathon for elementary school girls and it now organizes annual hackathons for both school-aged and faculty-aged girls. Last year, AFA started developing an online platform for gathering all these girls and keeping their interest in STEAM. We now want to further develop that platform and get the most important IT companies involved in creating a win-win solution for both girls and these companies as their potential future employers.
Moderator: Zoja Kukić, consultant, startup founder and girls in STEAM advocate
Participants: DELL, Microsoft, Google, NCR, HUAWEI, Schneider Electric, Comtrade, Nordeus, HTEC, Ubisoft, 3 Lateral, Cisco, SAS, Infostud, Xiaomi, SAP, Tenderly, Telekom Srbija