
When it comes to her profession, she is a philologist, and she finished her postgraduate MBA studies in Belgrade.
For 10 years of the Center's existence, in cooperation with her colleagues, she wrote a monograph containing stories whose main actors shaped the Center in the way that it is today- a place where innovative products and IT solutions are created and used worldwide. She is one of the creators of the Girls in ICT event, which was launched in 2014. and today is called Women Know IT. This initiative aims to empower and inform students of tech universities about their careers in the IT world, as well as to increase the number of women in the industry.

Maya's operational and business growth experience spans across 12 countries navigating complex business, cultural and technology challenges. She has been at the forefront of technology starting with mobile payments in early 2000's to data analytics and digital assets/crypto since 2010 and cloud and AI tools since 2014. Maya is a thought leader in digital asset space and a recognized public speaker on topics of sustainable digital transformation and investing and re skilling of workforce for digital economy. Maya’s passion is at the intersection of human behavior, artificial intelligence and longevity and biohacking.

She started her career as a Data Scientist where she worked both in national and internal companies, starting from Smart Cat, across Etihad Airways to Grid Dynamics. As a data scientist, she contributed to projects which helped in saving costs up to 1M$. Portfolio of customers that she worked with on data sciences solutions varies from small local companies to Fortune 500.
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering at University of Belgrade named her as one of the top 3 students in generation. She holds a reward from Serbian Academy of Science for best student thesis in computer science, BAFA reward for best undergraduate student. She worked in the USA and Switzerland as part of research labs in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Prethodno iskustvo stekla je desetogodišnjim radom u bankarstvu, od čega pet godina na menadžerskim pozicijama. U ProCredit banci je imala priliku da vodi operacije i retail, kao i da aktivno je učestvuje u transformaciji banke iz tradicionalne u digitalnu.
Završila Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, smer Medjunarodne finansije.

I have started in the game dev industry almost ten years ago, while studying Graphic design. Since then, I worked across different genres and different roles focusing mostly on creative and art-oriented jobs until I discovered the production and leadership aspect of the industry. It gives me the opportunity to have my hands in EVERY part of the process of making a video game, and it really doesn’t get better than that.
Currently working as an Associate Producer in Ubisoft and loving every minute of it.
My fight is for diversity in the industry and creating a more welcoming environment for all, which is why I became a Women in Games ambassador.
I thrive on pushing boundaries and challenging the status quo while creating amazing experiences for the players.
It is a passion after all!

Areas of scientific research of Dr. Vladić are pharmaceutical technology and chemistry, with special emphasis on modern technologies of extraction and drying, analysis of obtained products and the possibility of their enrichment in order to obtain products with improved health benefits. In addition, it deals with the valorization of agricultural, food and municipal waste.
She has won several awards, including the L'Oréal-UNESCO National Scholarship "For Women in Science" for 2020, awarded by L'Oreal Balkans in cooperation with the National Commission for UNESCO and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the Danubius Award. Young Scientist Award for the best scientist in Serbia in 2018, awarded by the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe and the Austrian Ministry of Education. In addition, Jelena had numerous scientific trainings and scientific stays abroad, and was the winner of international grants. Among the most notable are the Maria Sklodowska-Curie (Horizon 2020) program, a grant from the Austrian Academy of Sciences and a scholarship from The British Scholarship Trust. In addition, Jelena studied at the LNEG Institute in Lisbon, the Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek, the iBET Institute in Oeiras, the Faculty of Pharmacy in Szeged and others

She was elected as one of 20 leaders from all over BiH, and attended the program "Women Youth Leadership Development" organized by the association Women for Women International, and as one of 50 young people from BiH and attended the international course IEEE Innovation Nation BH 2020 organized by by LaTrobe University in Australia, where she and her team won 2nd place and the opportunity to participate in the advanced global eBridge Alliance SPRINT course organized by the Development Center in Munich, Germany.

She is engaged in research in preclinical and clinical pharmacology, and her scientific focus is focused on the rational use of drugs, primarily antibiotics, from the aspect of prescribers but also the general population, as well as methods of optimizing the use of these drugs. He is the author of numerous scientific publications in renowned international journals.
She presented the results of her research at more than 20 scientific conferences. She was a participant in 7 national and one international research project. She is continuously improving at home and abroad, with a special three-month stay in Australia through the Horizon 2020 project in which she participated. He is a member of several international professional and scientific associations. He is one of the members of the team awarded by the invitation "Start for Science - Research - Change" of the Center for Leadership Development for 2019. She is the winner of the national scholarship "For Women in Science" for Serbia for 2020.